Local Recommendations: Savoring Authentic Czech Experiences Near Prague Castle

After exploring the grandeur of Prague Castle, what better way to complete your experience than to dive into the local culture? This blog brings you a curated list of nearby cafes, restaurants, and shops that offer authentic Czech experiences. Additionally, you’ll find practical tips on local etiquette, useful Czech phrases, and navigating Prague’s public transport, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable visit.

Authentic Eateries and Cafes

Malostranská Beseda

Located in the heart of Malá Strana, just a short walk from Prague Castle, Malostranská Beseda offers traditional Czech cuisine in a historic setting. Their goulash and dumplings are a must-try, perfectly capturing the essence of Czech comfort food.

Café Savoy

For a taste of old-world Prague, head to Café Savoy. This elegant cafe, with its Neo-Renaissance ceiling, offers a delectable selection of pastries and a hearty breakfast menu. Don’t miss their famous Savoy breakfast.

U Modré Kachničky

Experience fine dining in a quaint, intimate setting at U Modré Kachničky. Known for its duck dishes, this restaurant provides a cozy atmosphere, ideal for a romantic dinner or a special occasion.

Shopping for Czech Souvenirs


For authentic Czech souvenirs, visit Manufaktura. Located near the castle area, this shop offers traditional Czech products, from Bohemian glassware to natural cosmetics and wooden toys.


If you’re looking for something more contemporary, Artel specializes in high-quality Czech glassware with modern designs. Their pieces are a blend of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary art.

Local Etiquette and Language Tips


Czechs appreciate polite manners. A simple “please” (prosím) and “thank you” (děkuji) go a long way. When entering a shop or restaurant, it’s customary to greet with “Dobrý den” (Good day).

Language Phrases

  • Hello/Goodbye: Ahoj / Nashledanou
  • Yes/No: Ano / Ne
  • How much does this cost?: Kolik to stojí?
  • Where is the bathroom?: Kde je toaleta?
  • Can I have a beer, please?: Můžu dostat pivo, prosím?

Navigating Public Transport

Tram and Metro

Prague’s public transport is efficient and tourist-friendly. Tram 22 is a convenient way to reach Prague Castle. The nearest metro station is Malostranská on the green line (A), just a short tram ride away from the castle.


Purchase tickets before boarding at metro stations, newsstands, or vending machines. Validate your ticket as you enter the tram or metro for the first time.

Taxi or Ride-Sharing

For convenience, consider using a ride-sharing service or a reputable taxi company, ensuring a hassle-free and fair-priced journey.

Your visit to Prague Castle can be enriched by exploring the local culture through its food, shops, and interactions with the locals. Embracing these local experiences will not only enhance your trip but also provide you with a deeper understanding and appreciation of Czech culture and hospitality. Remember, the beauty of travel lies not only in seeing new places but also in experiencing life as locals do.