Prague castle directions

Prague Castle, one of the most iconic landmarks in the Czech Republic, is a must-visit attraction for anyone traveling to Prague. Nestled in the heart of the city, the castle presents a mixture of architectural styles and holds a significant place in Prague’s history. Here’s a detailed guide on how to get to Prague Castle, including various modes of transportation.


Prague Castle is located in the Hradčany district of Prague, on the west side of the Vltava River. Its address is: Prague Castle, 119 08 Prague 1, Czech Republic.

By Public Transport

Prague’s public transportation system is efficient and easy to navigate, making it a convenient option for getting to the castle.


  • Nearest Metro Station: The closest metro station is Malostranská on the Green Line (Line A).
  • Directions: After exiting the Malostranská station, you can either walk to the castle, which takes about 15-20 minutes, or take a tram.


  • Tram Numbers: Trams 22 and 23 are the most convenient for reaching Prague Castle.
  • Stop: Get off at the “Pražský hrad” stop.
  • From the Stop: From here, it’s a short uphill walk to the main entrance of the castle.

By Foot

For those staying in central Prague, walking to the castle is a great option. The walk not only offers a glimpse of the city’s stunning architecture and streets but also includes crossing the famous Charles Bridge.

  • From Old Town: Head towards Charles Bridge, cross it, and continue walking through the Lesser Town (Malá Strana) streets up to the castle.
  • Scenic Route: Consider the scenic path which starts at the Lesser Town (Malostranské náměstí) and leads up the Old Castle Stairs (Staré zámecké schody) to the Eastern gate of Prague Castle.

By Car or Taxi

If you prefer to travel by car or taxi, note that parking in the immediate vicinity of Prague Castle is quite limited.

  • Address for GPS: Enter “Prague Castle, 119 08 Prague 1” into your GPS device.
  • Parking: The closest parking areas are at Malostranské náměstí and along the streets in the Lesser Town. However, these can be full, especially during peak tourist seasons.
  • Drop-off: Taxis can drop you off near the castle entrances, but they may not be allowed to stop directly in front of the main gate due to traffic restrictions.

By Bike

Prague is a bike-friendly city, and you can cycle to Prague Castle. There are several bike paths leading to the area.

  • Bike Racks: There are bike racks where you can lock up your bike near the castle.
  • Caution: Remember that the area around the castle is on a hill, so prepare for a bit of an uphill ride.


For those with mobility issues:

  • Tram 22: This tram is the most convenient option, as it stops quite close to the castle.
  • Entrance: Use the entrance from the north side, which is more accessible for wheelchairs and strollers.


Guided tours often include transportation to the castle. If you prefer a hassle-free experience, consider booking a guided tour which includes pick-up and drop-off.


  • Start Early: Prague Castle can get crowded, especially in the high season. Starting your day early will help you avoid the largest crowds.
  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: The walk to and around the castle involves cobblestone streets and inclines.
  • Check the Schedule: Before planning your visit, check the castle’s opening hours and any special events that might affect access.

Prague Castle, with its historical significance and architectural grandeur, is a highlight of any visit to Prague. Whether you choose public transport, a leisurely walk, or a more direct mode of transportation, getting there is part of the experience, offering you a wonderful opportunity to see and enjoy the beautiful city of Prague.